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Can iron deficiency anemia affect hair, skin, and nails?

Iron deficiency anemia can have significant implications for the health and condition of the skin, hair, and nails. When the body lacks sufficient iron to produce an adequate amount of red blood cells, various tissues, including the skin, hair follicles, and nail beds, may be affected.

Skin Manifestations

Skin manifestations associated with iron deficiency anemia include pallor, dryness, and increased sensitivity. Insufficient iron levels reduce oxygen delivery to the skin cells, leading to decreased collagen synthesis and compromised skin barrier function. These effects contribute to the observed pale, dry appearance and heightened sensitivity.

Nail Abnormalities

Nail abnormalities are also commonly observed in individuals with iron deficiency anemia. Brittle nails, thinning, and the development of spoon-shaped nails (koilonychia) are typical findings. These changes occur due to altered nail plate structure and growth, which can be attributed to impaired iron-dependent processes involved in nail formation.

Hair Health

Moreover, iron deficiency anemia can impact hair health and appearance. Dryness, brittleness, and increased hair loss are frequently reported. Iron is essential for the proper function of hair follicles and the production of hair proteins, such as keratin. Inadequate iron levels disrupt these processes, leading to changes in hair texture, quality, and growth.

The underlying mechanisms behind these effects involve the disruption of iron-dependent processes crucial for tissue maintenance and growth. Iron is necessary for oxygen transport, collagen synthesis, and cellular energy production, all of which are vital for the health of the skin, hair, and nails. Insufficient iron levels impair these processes, resulting in the observed alterations in appearance and function.


  1. Looker, A. C., Dallman, P. R., Carroll, M. D., Gunter, E. W., & Johnson, C. L. (1997). Prevalence of iron deficiency in the United States. JAMA, 277(12), 973-976.

  2. Wright, J. A., Richards, T., & Srai, S. K. (2014). The role of iron in the skin and cutaneous wound healing. Frontiers in pharmacology, 5, 156.

  3. Cashman, M. W., & Sloan, S. B. (2012). Nutrition and nail disease. Clinics in Dermatology, 30(4), 420-425.

  4. Rushton, D. H. (2002). Nutritional factors and hair loss. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 27(5), 396-404.

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